Sunday, October 01, 2006

A little shopping

Sunday in Bangkok is not much different than any other day for most folks. Being primarily a Buddist nation, they don't seem to have set aside this day for worship, rest or reflection. So that means that the shops, banks and bars are all open for business which gave Brenda and I a little something to do while we walked around this afternoon. Well, at least the shops and banks, maybe not the bars.....

American Thai Chopper
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This guy was crafting motorcycles and such from wire on the streets today. Since the duty on a motorcyle is 80% here, and since the way the formula is applied an $18,000 motorcycle ends up costing $56,000 in Thailand, this may be the only bike I can afford here.

Thai Chopper - the series
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Teak wood carging - Speaks for itself. These carvings are priced around $4,400 Baht $120,
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